Saturday, March 27, 2010

20 weeks and on ..

So, I can't complain about my pregnancy.  I was blessed to have it go so well.  I only had nausea for the first 8 weeks or so and then it got better.  Sure, the sleeping got worse and I was up 50 times to use the bathroom at night, lol but no other issues. 

We went in for our 20 weeks ultrasound to make sure the baby was doing well and to find out the sex. That was such an exciting day and I couldn't wait to see my little one again! 
Dr. G started the ultrasound and had a hard time finding out the sex of the baby.  AJ kept closing his legs every time he would want to look.  Finally, he was able to get a peek and said he was about 80% sure it was a BOY!  I was secretly hoping for a girl, but was over joyed that we were having a little boy and that he was healthy.

As soon as we left the office we started to tell all our family and friends.  We were all so happy.

The rest of my pregnancy flew by quickly and we began to prepare for his birth.
We took a baby birth class, put the nursery together and had a baby shower at the end of August.


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