Friday, April 16, 2010

What's the matter?

AJ has been extra fussy this past week.  He's also been drooling a lot and chewing on everything. So, I'm assuming he's teething.  I've tried baby orajel and hylands gel, but neither one seemed to help him much. I finally saw a post on the message boards about the Hylands teething pills and decided to give those a try. We walked over to CVS the other day and picked some up.  They seem to be helping a lot more then the other two products.

Now if I could just  figure out how to keep him entertained at all times.  He just doesn't seem content sitting in the high chair or walker for more than 2 minutes, sometimes even less.  It's not like I want him to sit there all day or even longer than 30 minutes, but he won't last for long at all.
I can't figure out why and no matter how many toys he has, he'll drop them all on the floor and then fuss the whole time until he's picked up and carried around.

I love my little guy, but I just don't know what else I can do for him.   I'll "make" him sit there for a few minutes, thinking he'll finally learn to be a little independent.  But no Mr. AJ has him momma wrapped around his little finger and knows she'll pick him up after a few minutes of fussing. 

I can not wait until he grows out of this stage and is done with teething because it's a nightmare.  Although, I know I have more "FUN" times to look forward to in the next couple of months and years.

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