Sunday, May 9, 2010

My First Momma's Day!

Today was perfect!  AJ slept through the whole night and did not wake up until 6:35 and then laid in his crib playing until I got up to make him a bottle.  After breakfast, I opened my gift from AJ and then my Edible Arrangement was delivered before noon (gift from Hubby).

After his morning nap, we did a little Mommy and Son photo shoot.  

I couldn't have asked for a better day.  I got to spend it with my two favorite guys! :o) And to all the Mom's, the Grandmother's, the Mommy's to Be-Happy Mother's day!

Friday, May 7, 2010

7 the lucky number?

Wow.. this past month just flew by for us.  Little AJ turned 7 months yesterday.  He woke up early and was not in a great mood.  We ate breakfast, got changed and attempted to take some pictures.  He first wanted to take his 7 month old sticker off and then he cried when I put him on the chair to snap a few pictures.  Poor kid!   Then at night he fell asleep just fine, but was back up by 9:30 and hungry.  He fell back to sleep and was back up at 2:30, then 4:30 and wanted to eat once again.  I hope we don't have a repeat of this anytime soon.