Sunday, May 9, 2010

My First Momma's Day!

Today was perfect!  AJ slept through the whole night and did not wake up until 6:35 and then laid in his crib playing until I got up to make him a bottle.  After breakfast, I opened my gift from AJ and then my Edible Arrangement was delivered before noon (gift from Hubby).

After his morning nap, we did a little Mommy and Son photo shoot.  

I couldn't have asked for a better day.  I got to spend it with my two favorite guys! :o) And to all the Mom's, the Grandmother's, the Mommy's to Be-Happy Mother's day!

Friday, May 7, 2010

7 the lucky number?

Wow.. this past month just flew by for us.  Little AJ turned 7 months yesterday.  He woke up early and was not in a great mood.  We ate breakfast, got changed and attempted to take some pictures.  He first wanted to take his 7 month old sticker off and then he cried when I put him on the chair to snap a few pictures.  Poor kid!   Then at night he fell asleep just fine, but was back up by 9:30 and hungry.  He fell back to sleep and was back up at 2:30, then 4:30 and wanted to eat once again.  I hope we don't have a repeat of this anytime soon.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

AJ was acting normal on Thursday and Friday after is 6 month appointment, so I thought we were in the clear, but boy was I wrong.

Since Saturday, he's been crabby and fussy most of the day.  Could it be the shots? the Rota-virus vaccine? teething? upset tummy? I have no idea.  Sometime I wish he would come with a baby manual, so I could figure out why he is upset.  Sunday wasn't much better or Monday or Tuesday.  I finally saw some improvement today and I'm so glad that whatever it was has passed.  And that he's feeling better. He was just so miserable and he was making momma miserable too.

Now if he would just sleep longer during the night.  From 8 weeks to 16 weeks he was sleeping through the night.  When we first moved him from the bassinet to his crib, he would wake up once during the night.  I took it as a transition and he will get through it.  But we're almost at 7 months now and he continue to wake up once during the night to eat.  Sometime he will wake up several times and I have to go replace his pacifier. 
I know there is no magic remedy to make him sleep through the night or to sleep longer in the mornings, but I'm just exhausted.  I hate to complain, but I haven't had a good night of sleep since I was pregnant.  I love him so much and love spending time with him, but sometimes I just need a break.  I get frustrated with him  when he fusses and I don't know why.  I hate myself for that because he's a baby and he can't tell me what is wrong or what is bothering him.  Ugh.. maybe he'll let me sleep in for Mother's Day! ha ha But it would be a wonderful gift ! ;o)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Getting Big !

Yesterday was AJ's 6 month check up and more shots!  Ugh.. we hate those visits.  Poor little guy doesn't even know what's coming.  He weighted in at 19lbs 10oz and he is 28inches long.  
Right before his appointment

    AJ was good the whole appointment until the shots. I'm so glad they do the combo shots now, but we also did the Flu and H1N1.  He took it a little better than I expected.  He only screamed for about a minute and then calmed down quickly. Much improved since his 4 month appointment.  By the time we got in the car, he was back to his old self.   His naps were a little longer than usual, but other than that he's been acting normal.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


AJ just started "talking" more in the last couple of days.  He began to say "Mama" and "Baba", among other babble.  I just wish he knew what he was saying.

I still love the fact that he keeps saying "Mama", "Mama" over and over.

In other baby news, he's been a little fussy and not eating as well as he usually does.  He woke up at 1:00 am and I tried giving him his pacifier, but he would not go back to sleep.  So, at 1:40 I finally gave up and gave him the bottle.  He then did not fall asleep until about 2:40 and was back up at 6:00am and did not want to go back to sleep. We got up at 7:45 to eat breakfast and I figured he must be tired and would fall right to sleep.  But No! He did not fall asleep until 8:50 or so and was back up at 9:30.  I had hubby put him back to sleep an hour later and he napped for an hour.  He didn't eat his lunch or the next meal very well, but napped well.  I hope he goes down good for the night.  

Tomorrow is our 6 month check up.  I'm dreading going to the doctors appointment.  We're seeing a new doctor and he'll be getting more shots, which neither one of us looks forward to. Ugh.. I hope it goes well.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

New Bath Tub and the White House

AJ is getting so BIG.. TOO big for his infant tub and I decided to look for a new one.  Since he's pretty comfortable sitting on his own, it was time for the move.  I've done my research on, as always and found this bath tub Safety-1st-Kirby-Inflatable-Tub.  We just received it on Friday and he loves it.  I don't think he even noticed the difference.  It's very comfy, or so it looks and and was easy to blow up.  Not to mention that the price was great and I ordered 2 books, so I got the free shipping.

  He enjoys lounging in the tub and "reading" his book!

Yay! We finally got our "Welcome to the world" greeting from President Obama.  I almost forgot about sending out for it, until it came in the mail yesterday.  I'm a nerd, but I was excited and we'll be framing it in soon.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Weight be gone!

Ugh.. Instead of losing the baby weight, I have gained more in the last 6 months.   I don't have a scale at home as of right now, but I feel, No Wait I can SEE that I'm a fatty. ha ha  I'm pretty sure I weight more than I did when I was pregnant, except that now I don't have an excuse.   The only person that I have to blame is myself.   I'm a stay at home mom and when I get bored, I eat.  The hubby and I have also been buying a lot of  candy since Valentines day and the weight just kept creeping up on me.  He's lucky since he has a fast metabolism and can stuff his face with whatever he wants and not gain any weight.  Me? I can look at a cookie and gain 5 pounds.

So, the questions is .. "What are you going to do about it? "

I've done Weight Watchers and hated the counting of the points and I've done slim fast and although I've lost some weight on it, but I hate having to buy those shakes.  I've also tried the phentermine pills and yes they worked, but you can only use them for 3 months and I didn't like the side effects. 

So, my next "idea" was to find a new diet that would work. And so I went on and looked at the different diet books and their reviews and finally decided on The 4 day diet by Ian K. Smith,MD. So, it's not what you think, you diet for 4 days and poof the weight is off.  It's a process, starting with a detox/cleansing.  It also has recipes at the back of the book and motivational words at the beginning. I only received the book today and hope to get started soon. I'd also like to start working out again, but I'm not sure if I can fit the time in with AJ being so demanding at all time. I'll just have to stick to walks with him for now, until I can figure something out.    I will keep you all updated on the progress. Hopefully, I can stick to it and lose these extra pounds.  
If anyone else has any suggestions or ideas, please share.