Friday, April 16, 2010

Weight be gone!

Ugh.. Instead of losing the baby weight, I have gained more in the last 6 months.   I don't have a scale at home as of right now, but I feel, No Wait I can SEE that I'm a fatty. ha ha  I'm pretty sure I weight more than I did when I was pregnant, except that now I don't have an excuse.   The only person that I have to blame is myself.   I'm a stay at home mom and when I get bored, I eat.  The hubby and I have also been buying a lot of  candy since Valentines day and the weight just kept creeping up on me.  He's lucky since he has a fast metabolism and can stuff his face with whatever he wants and not gain any weight.  Me? I can look at a cookie and gain 5 pounds.

So, the questions is .. "What are you going to do about it? "

I've done Weight Watchers and hated the counting of the points and I've done slim fast and although I've lost some weight on it, but I hate having to buy those shakes.  I've also tried the phentermine pills and yes they worked, but you can only use them for 3 months and I didn't like the side effects. 

So, my next "idea" was to find a new diet that would work. And so I went on and looked at the different diet books and their reviews and finally decided on The 4 day diet by Ian K. Smith,MD. So, it's not what you think, you diet for 4 days and poof the weight is off.  It's a process, starting with a detox/cleansing.  It also has recipes at the back of the book and motivational words at the beginning. I only received the book today and hope to get started soon. I'd also like to start working out again, but I'm not sure if I can fit the time in with AJ being so demanding at all time. I'll just have to stick to walks with him for now, until I can figure something out.    I will keep you all updated on the progress. Hopefully, I can stick to it and lose these extra pounds.  
If anyone else has any suggestions or ideas, please share.

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